Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weight loss challenge

WARNING: May contain TMI.. read at own risk!!

This is my new weight loss challenge for myself.

A little back story on how all this started...

OK so here I am, 6 months after having my beautiful son and I am having an issue losing the "baby weight". I have been told so often, 9months on-9months off, I am 6months into it and have lost a total of about 15lbs. I don't think that amount is good enough with how long I have had to lose it. Have I actually tried to lose it? Yes. Is that answer honest? OK...maybe not.
My total exercises equals out to maybe one or two day a week. My eating habits are decent, I don't go back for seconds and my "snacking" is very limited. And the whole, breastfeeding helps you lose weight, BIG lie.. at least for me it is. I don't eat anymore now then I did before my son.
All of this has caused me to obsess and get very sad!!

Now cues the blog. My challenge is to lose about 20lbs by this August.. honestly I don't think it will happen, but I have to start some where.

This blog is to be my accountability, I am going to record what I eat along with what exercises I have done for the day. There will be NO counting calories and NO cutting food out of diet. I will be eating the things I want, just smarter.

My challenge to you! DO IT WITH ME =) Post what you have done for the day and the food you have inhaled when hungry.

Each day will have it's own post.... So... DO YOU DARE TO GET FIT??


  1. I'm going to the gym twice a week and I plan on walking the track during the kids' baseball practices. I lost all my weight after Tovah but have slowly added it back on in the last 7 years.

  2. That is encouraging so see!! Thank you! How is your works going?
