Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So today is the 23rd of March.
I started a challenge a few weeks ago, hoping that it would encourage me to lose the "baby weight" but I am here to record that I have failed. I have a reason for the fail but non-the-less it is a fail.

Writing down all the food I eat made me start watching how many calories was in each thing. That is something I promised I wouldn't do. I became obsessed. Every where we went I was counting calories, and my husband started to do the same thing! I don't want to be ruled by the amount of calories that something has. That is no way to discipline myself, if I want to eat something I should be able to eat it. The hope is that I would eat things in moderation instead of eating myself sick; which I have done all my life.

If I started cutting things out because of one reason or another than I would not stick to my "challenge" which in the end I didn't. Don't get me wrong I am still working out, not as much as I would like, but I still do my running and sit-ups/push-ups. Right now, after have a baby, that is enough for me. My hope is that soon, it will not be enough and I could up grade to the gym down the road!! It's a simple goal, but for now it will have to do.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tue. March 9 DAY 2

OK so yesterday was challenge day 2 for me. I took a day off running because I was still in pain from the day before. To make up for it I did sit-ups, but not just any sit-ups, the kind that make you want to puke after doing them and prevent you from moving the next day. Yes I hurt, but in a good way!


Special K Cereal 3/4cup
Pop Tarts 2pastries

Chewy Bar

Soup 1cup

Lean Pockets (2)
Glass of cream soda

Chocolate Chip Cookies(6)
Grasshopper Cookies(6)
Glass of milk

** OK so I know I shouldn't have had the cookies but they called my name so I had to eat them! It undid everything I was striving for but....oh well they were yummy!


Back Raises 60
Sit ups 50
Bycicle SU 100
Leg Raises 60

So after I did this work out, I couldn't feel the burn at all. I honestly thought that it did nothing. Yet when I woke up this morning, I tried to sit up in bed and it didn't work. I felt the burn alright!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Challenge Day 1

Monday March 8

OK so day one was yesterday. It all went well for the most part. I know I said I wasn't going to count calories but I wanted to know about where I was at...so I did. It was going great too! Till I had a meat and cheese snack pack thing. I was enjoying a little snack like usually when I turned it over and saw that is was almost 500 cal!! I was stunned! I couldn't believe it! Half my days calories wrapped up in one "snack" anyways, so here was how the day went:


Special K Cereal

Ham&Cheese Snack Pack
Chewy Bar(2)

Leftover Potatoes cubes
Chewy Bar

Chicken Cesaer Salad
French Bread


Run 15min
Back Raises 60
Sit ups 30
Leg Raises 40

Total Cal consumed=1800
Total burned=525

It was amazing to realize how out of shape I was after this day!! I can't seem to slow my running pace from when I was able to run 3miles in less then 30min... other words.. I almost passed out after the run! Seeing spots and everything!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weight loss challenge

WARNING: May contain TMI.. read at own risk!!

This is my new weight loss challenge for myself.

A little back story on how all this started...

OK so here I am, 6 months after having my beautiful son and I am having an issue losing the "baby weight". I have been told so often, 9months on-9months off, I am 6months into it and have lost a total of about 15lbs. I don't think that amount is good enough with how long I have had to lose it. Have I actually tried to lose it? Yes. Is that answer honest? OK...maybe not.
My total exercises equals out to maybe one or two day a week. My eating habits are decent, I don't go back for seconds and my "snacking" is very limited. And the whole, breastfeeding helps you lose weight, BIG lie.. at least for me it is. I don't eat anymore now then I did before my son.
All of this has caused me to obsess and get very sad!!

Now cues the blog. My challenge is to lose about 20lbs by this August.. honestly I don't think it will happen, but I have to start some where.

This blog is to be my accountability, I am going to record what I eat along with what exercises I have done for the day. There will be NO counting calories and NO cutting food out of diet. I will be eating the things I want, just smarter.

My challenge to you! DO IT WITH ME =) Post what you have done for the day and the food you have inhaled when hungry.

Each day will have it's own post.... So... DO YOU DARE TO GET FIT??


I am a mother of a beautiful baby boy, 6 months. I have been married to a wonderful man for 1 1/2 years. I am currently a stay at home mom..it is something I have to get use to!! I am an aspiring writer who is halfway through my first book..it has only taken 2 years.
That's all for now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The beginning

For awhile now I have thought about starting one of these; but every time I try to start, I never know what to write. Do I write about the day in the life of me? Do I write my opinions on subjects that I find interesting, annoying, or upsetting? Is there etiquette to having a blog?? Will people even read it?
These questions start building and then I start doubting. I delete what I write and cancel my blog page; every time. No one would even read it anyways, right? I am tired of being scared, of worrying what others will think.
I can’t be scared anymore, I won’t be scared anymore. I will write about me, about my family, and about the things I have on my mind.
So… here goes everything....