Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So today is the 23rd of March.
I started a challenge a few weeks ago, hoping that it would encourage me to lose the "baby weight" but I am here to record that I have failed. I have a reason for the fail but non-the-less it is a fail.

Writing down all the food I eat made me start watching how many calories was in each thing. That is something I promised I wouldn't do. I became obsessed. Every where we went I was counting calories, and my husband started to do the same thing! I don't want to be ruled by the amount of calories that something has. That is no way to discipline myself, if I want to eat something I should be able to eat it. The hope is that I would eat things in moderation instead of eating myself sick; which I have done all my life.

If I started cutting things out because of one reason or another than I would not stick to my "challenge" which in the end I didn't. Don't get me wrong I am still working out, not as much as I would like, but I still do my running and sit-ups/push-ups. Right now, after have a baby, that is enough for me. My hope is that soon, it will not be enough and I could up grade to the gym down the road!! It's a simple goal, but for now it will have to do.

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